The Benefits of Shorter Workout Intervals

In a recent study conducted by Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise it was determined that exercisers that did intervals of one minute or less reported feeling less "beaten" up even though the workout was a challenge.  So what does that mean exactly? It means you are getting more bang for your buck!  Sure some of these classes can appear intimidating but it's an excellent way to challenge yourself in a short period of time.  

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) gives a natural boost to human growth hormone (HGH) production, which is essential for optimal health, strength and vigor. HIIT has also been shown to significantly improve insulin sensitivity, boost fat loss, and increase muscle growth. According to Fitness Peak

Below are few workouts that you can try at home for when you are looking for short and intense workout! Mash Up Conditioning experts Stacy, Jamie, and Charlene demonstrate a modified high intensity interval workout designed to bring your body to the next level and achieve maximum results.

Check out my 6 week fat loss challenge!! The shoes I like to train in: Alright...Start your engines!! To complete this workout do Part 1 (20 min), followed by part 2 (20 min) and then repeat part 1 ( 20 min). **I am using the gymboss interval timer AP for Iphone.

8 Week Fat Loss Programs & Meal Plans: @ All info for this special edition mashup @ Find PowerBlock's adjustable dumbbells @: Fitness Blender on Facebook @ Note: All information provided by Fitness Blender is of a general nature and is furnished only for educational/entertainment purposes only.

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