Sneak Look Inside the NMFIT Holiday Survival Package

Looking for the perfect way to get a jump start on the holidays? With celebration in full-swing you want to make sure to stay on track! If you have already found yourself cheating a bit the tips below found inside my Nadia Murdock Fit Holiday Package can you help you to stay focused. Don't worry you still have enough time to look trim and slim for your New Years's Eve party! 

Tips for Staying Motivated In Colder Weather

When that alarm sounds on a cold winter morning your initial reaction is to hit the snooze button and roll over.  Sure taking a break every now and then and allowing your body some much needed rest is well-deserved but be careful of that slippery slope.  One day can sometimes turn into a week and it can be extremely hard to come back from that.  Below are a few tips that will encourage you to stay on track and not lose sight of your fitness goals!

1. Lay out your workout clothes the night before. Make sure to place the items where you can see them, it should be either by your bed or bedroom door as a huge reminder to hit the gym! For more tips click here!

Jump Start Smoothie

  • 6 ounces of low-fat vanilla yogurt
  • 1 scoop of whey protein
  • ½ cup of strawberries or blueberries
  • 1 ounce of nuts (almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds)

Blend and serve (great for on the go!)

Navigating Parties:  So you found the party, now what to eat?  

  • Try to eat before hand, this will help you to avoid overindulging while chatting with friends.
  • Drink water between the mini bites and glasses of wine.
  • Pace yourself with the cocktails, opt for a wine spritzer every other glass of wine.  It takes practice but over time you will be able to gauge if you have overdone it!

Need more helpful tips?  Visit the Nadia Murdock Fit Shop to snag your Holiday Survival Package

Training minds, changing bodies!

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