Tami Peddigree of Drum-Late

Tami Peddigree says “I am not your normal fitness instructor and Drum-Late` is not your normal cardio drumming aerobic workout either….it is so much more.” As the founder, Tami wanted to create something new that is designed to keep you sweating and having fun all year round.


Drum-Late includes pilates, cardio punching, interval drills, and of course cardio drumming at a whole new level choreographed into a fun dance/aerobic routine.  Continue reading to learn more about Tami and her fitness journey.

NMFIT: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority? 

Drum-Late: Health and fitness is a topic that was never discussed growing up as a young adult in my house.  I was so uneducated about what healthy foods really are.  Going to a gym or exercising was never pushed nor did I have a mentor to help guide me down the road to living a healthy lifestyle.   It was not until I got older, working in sales, new mom, newly married, and then a divorce.  Then it happened.  I lost track of my life.  Waking up at the age of 35 and wondering how I go to this point.  The point of depression, body aches, and having no energy to work and live daily life to my fullest. Then I stepped on the scale and showing numbers over 300 pounds.  That was the day I changed my life.  Showing signs of high blood pressure and pre-diabetes.  I know I had to find a way to get healthier.

NMFIT: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?

Drum-Late: I am on the road a lot for work, so I make it a priority to food prep and always have snacks available for those hungry moments.   Nuts, berries, and precut veggies. I also like to sip on hot black coffees/teas on of course water.     

NMFIT: How do you train your mind and stay motivated?

Drum-Late:: Mind over matter is such a powerful quote.  We need to stay strong in our minds for our bodies.   I love reading health and fitness articles to find new ways to keep me active or to find new recipes.  I also find myself indulging in listening to podcasts of all genres and of course music.   

NMFIT: How do you change your body?  

Drum-Late: The is no evidence that we can change our bodies that we were born with.  However, knowing your body type, and finding a fitness program to keep you engaged and entertained along with eating healthy foods can help a person get closer to making your body stronger and leaner.  And do not forget healthier ones.  

NMFIT: What are your fitness favorites?

Drum-Late: My passion is group fitness.  Group fitness saved my life.  Give me a big group of people and a loudspeaker to get my fitness groove on.  Rather it is an aerobic step class, cardio punching, or my all-time favorite, cardio drumming.  Such as Drum-Late`

For more info visit: https://drum-late.com/

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