Stay Active On Campus

As you may know after reading my personal story, my weight gain piled on during college. There were so many ways I could have managed a healthy lifestyle while away from school but just didn't truly take advantage of what was offered to me. I asked contributing writer Brianna Crosby to share how she stays active on campus with the hopes of encouraging other college students to seek out healthier options while away from home.  Continue reading to see the various ways Brianna obtains a healthy lifestyle on campus. 

Most universities provide health care and endless physical activities for students. Whether you live on campus or commute, make it a priority to keep your health in check. With so much to accomplish like exams, papers and trying to keep up with your social life- it’s hard to exercise regularly. However, those who do regular workouts ward off illness and have a boost in energy. You will mostly likely feel better about yourself and you’re confidence will be increased, you’ll also get a better nights sleep!

Did you also know regular exercise will improve your brain function, letting you tackle your next big assignment with ease.

Here are few ways I break a sweat on campus. 


Yoga quiets your mind and lets you focus on your energy. It’s helps build and strengthen your muscles. Yoga is a great way to escape from all the crazy school work and focus on your physical and emotional wellness.


Cycle is a great cardio class. It improves your brainpower, health and wellness.  Those who do cardio regularly are at significantly lower risk of developing illness or disease. You can burn between 400-700 calories in a one hour cycle class. Plus, the intense intervals help to make your skin glow, too!


HIIT is high intensity interval training. It’s become increasingly popular. This class burns   fat, improves endurance and builds strength. These classes are usually an hour, but if     you’re pushed for time there are some that are 30 minutes. In a 30 minute class you can   burn an easy 300 calories. 

Guest Blogger: Brianna Crosby

Hi guys! My name is Brianna Crosby I’m extremely passionate about nutrition and wellness and I love helping others succeed in terms of health. I’m a Food Science major at Clemson University and I’ll be graduating May 2015!  My goal is to become a Registered Dietitian in order to impact overall health through nutrition. Ideally the purpose is to assist others to achieve their goals to live a happier and healthier lifestyle.


Training minds, changing bodies!

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