Shakeology Packs a PUNCH!

Just as the ad says you can get 70 healthy ingredients in just one glass of Shakeology! Whether you are having it for breakfast, lunch or a snack this shake is ideal for making sure your body gets what it needs on a daily basis.  I have to admit when I first tried the shake a few years ago I didn't love it, I didn't have any intention of trying it again until I attended a workout with Tony Horton.  In our gift bag were a few Shakeology packets, I am now officially hooked!

Once I researched in depth the benefits of the product it made me love it even more. According to a recent survey a few highlights include: 

  • Increased energy 
  • Improved digestion
  • Improvement in mood
  • Reduced cravings 
  • Assisted in weight loss

Want to know what is exactly in this shake?  Check out the chart below!

5 Tips to Make Shakeology your favorite meal of the day!!

1. Start with a liquid base of 8 ounces of either lowfat milk, unsweetened almond or

unsweetened coconut milk.

2. ShakeO is a very dense shake due to all those healthy ingredients. If you like your

shake thinner, add in 4­6 ounces of water.

3. Add in your favorite food ingredients: 1⁄2 banana, frozen berries, nut butters, splash

of coffee and spices & extracts like cinnamon, vanilla, rum or mint extract. The

possibilities are endless!

4. The more ice (and frozen berries) you add, the thicker it will be.

5. If you want it even thicker, add in 1⁄4 avacado. (Think milkshake!)

I have found this shake to be a lifesaver especially on busy mornings when I need to get something healthy in my stomach but I am short on time.

To order a pack of Shakeology click here! Available flavors include Chocolate, Vanilla, Greenberry, Tropical Strawberry (vegan) and Chocolate (vegan). 


Training minds, changing bodies!

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