School Is Out, Now What? Tips for Creating a Fit and Healthy Summer

Every kid looks forward to summer vacation, unfortunately this time of year leaves some parents feeling clueless when it comes to keeping kids active and healthy.  According to a nationwide poll taken by the Nature Conservancy only 10% of kids are spending time outdoors. A few weeks ago I visited Fox Philly to share my pointers with the Good Day team, I revealed tips that will help keep  kids off the couch and loving the outdoors. 
Go On a Treasure Hunt: Who doesn't love a treasure hunt?  This can be easily done right in your backyard or local park. 

Photo Safari Hike: On your next hike make it educational and fun.  Post hike you can create a look book documenting on the great finds.  Make it a tradition and have a look book for each summer.

Backyard Obstacle Course: No matter the size of your backyard this option will get kids active and enjoying the summer. Different obstacle courses are fun for the kids and parents!

Recess Games: This is one of easiest ways (not to mention fun) to get fit with the family. Channel your inner child with a game of duck, duck, goose or red light green light.  

Plant a Garden: Teach your kids early to eat fresh foods!  Pick your favorite herbs/plants and start planting side by side with your little ones.

To watch the full segment click here!  


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