Reasons to Work Your Core

Toned abs not only look great in a crop top and bikini but have a number of additional benefits too! Below are few reasons why working your core should be at the top of your priority list. 


Improves athletic performance:  Almost all movements begin with the core. Having strong abdominals will benefit the entire body.  Strong abs will also help with endurance and protect you from injury. 

Helps with digestionThe process of food moving through the digestive track is improved with regular stomach exercises. It helps to make the overall functions of the organs and tissues associated with digestion work at peak performance. 

Improves posture: Did you know having good posture can  make you look thinner? Working on your core will help to align your spine properly improving function of the entire body including the nervous system. 

Helps with childbirth and pregnancy: Exercising before and during pregnancy will help with childbirth.  It also helps with stress and maintaining your health after you have given birth. Keep in mind there are number of stomach routines that should be avoided when pregnant. For few mommy to be friendly ab workouts click here

Reference: 50 of the Best Core Exercises by Howard Vanes, M. A. ERYT-500


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