Not Seeing The Results You Expected From Your Workouts? These May Be The Reasons Why!

Let’s be honest with ourselves, here. We don’t work out for the fun of it. While we certainly learn to find enjoyment in our workouts (especially when we get that beautiful endorphin kick at the end), we expect to see all our hard work pay off. We expect to see results. And when we don’t get them, it can be extremely frustrating. Indeed, it can make us wonder why we bother and cause us to lose motivation and abandon our workout regimen. Especially now, when the gyms are closed and we’re accountable only to ourselves. Giving up is all-too-easy. Instead, let’s focus on what’s keeping you from the results you expect and plan your exercise and nutrition strategy around them.

Photo by Form on Unsplash

Photo by Form on Unsplash

Your expectations are unrealistic

First of all, it’s important to know what’s realistic for the human body to achieve in a given timeframe. Even if you’re doing everything right in terms of diet and exercise you shouldn’t expect to see a tangible difference within 2 weeks. We are all different and our results become visible at different times. It may take a month or two to see the fruits of your labors in the mirror. This is why it’s so vital to track your progress through weighing, measuring, and photographing yourself. 

You’ve hit a plateau

Alternatively, you may have experienced sensational results up until recently and have found that you’re now hitting a wall in terms of weight loss and/or athletic performance. Don’t worry this is perfectly natural. In this post we explain why. However, it’s important to do all that you can to push through the plateau, including mixing up your exercise regimen to prevent boredom and loss of motivation. 

You’re sacrificing form for weight when lifting

As we grow more proficient in our workouts, it’s only natural that we might want to push ourselves harder by increasing our rep ranges and upping the weights we’re lifting when strength training. However, in doing so our bodies can take short cuts when it comes to our form, and this can ultimately curb the results we can expect to see.

Make sure you always do a set on low weight to check your form and ensure that you’re always getting the right kind of muscle engagement. You should also make sure that you’re wearing clothes that won’t impede your range of movement when working out. Take a look at Curves N Combatboots if you’re looking for new workout gear. 

Your efforts in the kitchen don’t match your efforts when working out
Finally, it’s essential that you remember… it’s impossible to out-exercise a bad diet. While the odd cheat meal is absolutely fine (and can actually help to boost your metabolism while managing cravings), your efforts in the kitchen need to match your efforts when working out. That means more lean proteins, polyunsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It means more whole foods and plants, and much less processed food. Only when your diet is clean and calorically appropriate to your efforts and goals can you expect to see the great results you desire.