NMFIT Tips: Working Out on Vacation

Over the weekend I was in sunny Florida for my cousins wedding!  Before I truly learned how to train my mind and body the thought of working out on vacation was insane to me. Now however I can't imagine not packing my workout essentials for either a quick workout at the hotel gym or in my room.  

NMFIT hard at work!

NMFIT hard at work!

Below are a few ways I mentally train my mind in order to make sure I get my workout in while away from home. 

1. Set my alarm: This one is pretty obvious, by setting my alarm for a workout first thing in the AM I can have the rest of the day to relax pool side.  Most people do not like waking up early while on vacation so I usually end up getting the hotel gym all to myself which is really nice. Depending on how many days I am gone for I will pick a few days for an early workout.  For the remainder of my stay I find ways to incorporate fitness throughout the day either via excursions, beach activities or going for walk to explore my surroundings. 

2. Have a workout buddy: If you are new to working out on vacation having a workout buddy will help get you out of bed and out the door. In my case my husband is the perfect workout partner,  I like to perform workout drills I don't normally do at home since I tend to workout alone.  It's an amazing way to make fitness fun! 

3. Pack workout essentials: On this trip I had a jump rope and resistance band packed just incase I decided to workout in my room.  I pre-select my fitness attire when packing making sure to include comfortable sneakers and a variety of options (shorts or crop pants) so that I never have an excuse when it's time hit the gym. 

4. Plan your workout before you leave: When selecting a hotel I always check out the fitness center before hand, this will help give me an idea of what it is available to me.  The hotel was great with a fairly new gym fully equipped with weights, cardio machines and medicine balls.  If you aren't sure what to do on your own, print and utilize workouts found online via Self Magazine, Fitness Magazine or Nadia Murdock Fit!


Training minds, changing bodies!

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