NMFIT Tips: How to Protect Your Heart


Today is national Wear Red Day for women.  Heart disease is claiming the lives of millions of women as the number 1 killer of women in the United States.  For more than 10 years, the American Heart Association has sponsored National Wear Red Day® to raise awareness in the fight against heart disease in women. 

Start protecting your heart now with these lifestyle tips!

In the kitchen

  • Instead of sour cream use Greek yogurt or unsalted cottage cheese
  • Substitute eggs with egg whites
  • Swap whole milk with low fat milk 
  • Nosh on pretzels instead of potato chips
  • Enjoy dessert with Skinny Cow ice cream bars or fruit bars instead of your standard hi-calorie ice cream

Shopping list 

  • Your shopping cart should always be filled with fruits and vegetables
  • Avoid fruit juices and soda
  • Enhance meals with fresh herbs and spices, stock up on these inexpensive ingredients
  • When purchasing meat make sure to choose cuts of red meat labeled “loin” and “round” since they tend to have less fat.
  • Seeds and nuts are important to include as well, they are good source of protein and polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.  

In the gym

  • If you haven't worked out in awhile it's important to get clearance from you doctor before getting started. 
  • Swimming is an excellent way to cross train and keep your heart strong
  • Hit the pavement with a run
  • Include cardiovascular or aerobic activity to help strengthen the heart and lungs as well as and improve the body's ability to use oxygen. Spinning, kickboxing, step and dance are fun ways to add cardio to your routine. 



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