Fitness Files: Jaycee Gossett
Jaycee Gossett is dance and fitness coach and host of VLC (Veria Living Companion) on Veria Living TV network. She believes the secrets to getting in shape combine the mind, body, and soul. Jaycee couldn't be a more perfect fit for my Fitness Files since I strongly believe in training your mind so you can change your body!
A former competitive ballroom dancer and host of the show Dance the World: Brazil, Gossett believes that dance is a universal language. Drawing on her travels, Jaycee teaches dance all over the world and takes pride in bringing local flavor and self-expression to her classes, workshops, and retreats. Continue reading to learn more about Jaycee and her fitness must haves.
Jaycee Gossett
NMF: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority?
JG: Absolutely! Fitness and Movement have always been a major part of my life. I grew up dancing from the age of 3 or 4 and with 5 boys in my house we were all super athletic and into working out. Moving my body and paying attention to my diet were necessities being a dancer, however as I approached my late teens, I had an awakening around the mind body connection and started to really piece together how fitness effects the mind and the emotions. I also discovered yoga around this time and the importance of exercising my mental state as well as my physical state.
NMF: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?
JG: Having healthy snacks around are key to avoid falling off the wellness wagon, in fact I am munching on an avocado as I write to you! Some of my "can't go without's" are:
- Coconut water! An amazing hydrating and electrolyte rich tasty beverage. I love this brand.
- Kombucha! Great for hydrating, digestion and metabolism. I brew my own at home. (My boyfriend doesn't love looking at the mushroom floating in a giant glass jar in our kitchen, however he sure loves drinking it!) Here is a great link on how to brew your own at home. Store bought Kombucha can be pricey.
- Avocados. Yum Yum Yum. Rich in monounsaturated fat. They fill you up, give you tremendous energy and are fantastic for your skin and hair!
- Pumpkin seed raw bars. I can not live with out these! Great pre or post workout they are high in protein, zinc, essential fatty and amino acids! Loaded with flax seeds which are high in B vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids plus magnesium and manganese. Check them out! I actually love everything from this raw organic company GoRaw!
Jacyee is the host of Dance the World
NMF: At Nadia Murdock Fit our motto is “Train Your Mind, Change Your Body” so we must ask: How do you train your mind and stay motivated?
JG: Training the mind can be a challenge. Let me tell you, I work on this every day and continue to be amazed at how quickly I forget to be mindful. Everyday I try to stay in the moment as much as possible, making sure to be aware of my breath and thoughts. Yoga, meditation, working out and dancing all fall under the zen umbrella for me as an opportunity to train my mind as well as my body. Feeding my brain with healthy foods, high vibration stimulation such as spiritual texts and informative programming as well as quality rest are also super important...we don't always give our minds the nutrition they need! My favorite mindful Buddhist author is Thich Nhat Hahn. His teachings are easily digestible and super motivating to keep one on the ever evolving path! Check out his facebook page. He is mindfulness embodied in an ageless form.
NMF: How do you change your body? What are your fitness favorites?
JG: My body loves change and loves a good challenge. I notice the best results when I keep my body guessing as to what is coming next fitness wise. Lots of muscle sculpting exercises, cardio, and core strength training seem to feel the best in my body. Between dancing and doing yoga on a regular basis my absolute workout obsession right now is a 75 mind body fitness experience in NYC called "theclass". Created by downtown fitness guru Taryn Toomey, this high intensity fitness explosion works every muscle group and ends with a seated meditation. IT has transformed my body inside and out. The motto of theclass is finding peace through strength. Let the change happen and stay on it. I am so in love with the class, that I joined the train as a teacher!
Training minds, changing bodies!
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