NMFIT Thanksgiving Leftover Creations!

If you are anything like me, you are still swimming in Thanksgiving leftovers!  So how do you make your leftovers last or perhaps give them a healthy makeover?  See a few my ideas below for inspiration.


The following day after Thanksgiving my husband and I kept breakfast pretty simple with a few boiled eggs. We included leftover kale, slightly cooked with olive oil and sweet potato cubes.  It was so delicious I might start making this on a regular basis! 


For lunch, I added some kale and dates to the quinoa/wild rice salad I made for Thanksgiving! The original recipe is simple to make, please find it below!

Quinoa/Wild Rice Salad

1 cup of Quinoa
1 cup of Wild Rice
1 lemon
1 tomato sliced
2 cups of green lentils cooked
Salt and pepper
Fennel Seeds


Mix the cooked quinoa, wild rice and lentils into a large mixing bowl. Cut a fresh lemon in half and squeeze the entire contents evenly into the bowl. Mix in the sliced tomatoes. Sprinkle in the salt, pepper and fennel seeds to taste. 


Training minds, changing bodies!

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