NMFIT Post Holiday Detox Juice!

Feeling the bulge from your holiday feast? Thinking you might have over done it with the spiked punch? Try making the NMFIT Post Holiday Detox Juice today to get you feeling like yourself again!  Below you will find the recipe that is simple to make. 

  • A handful of kale
  • 1 lemon peeled
  • 1 lime peeled
  • 1 nub of ginger root
  • 1 Granny Smith apple (add an extra apple if you find the juice to sour) 
  • 1/2 a cup of Hint Water (optional)
  • Makes on serving 

Combine all the ingredients together in a juicer and serve! 


Ginger is excellent for cleansing the digestive system, it eases bloating and gas by breaking up the congestion throughout the body.   With this smoothie you will get all the vitamins and minerals that you get from vegetables. Ideally you want to select organic produce to avoid herbicides and pesticides that will hinder the detox process. If you don't have time to make this smoothie today you have all weekend to give this recipe a try!  

If you like this recipe you will love other easy and healthy smoothie recipes found in my smoothie book! To grab a copy visit the FIT Shop by clicking here!


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