Christmas Movie Workout: A Christmas Kiss

Those that know me well know I am a sucker for Christmas movies and workouts. So I couldn’t resist putting together another set of Christmas movie workouts this year considering I have been binging on romantic holiday movies since Thanksgiving.

One of the movies I recently watched and just adored was a Christmas Kiss The movie embodied everything cheesy & romantic with a dose of good old holiday cheer.

Below is how the workout works, enjoy the holidays while working in some toning moves. This is fun to do with the family, especially the kids!

  • Every time the main character Wendy answers her cell phone do 10 crunches.
  • When Adam kisses Wendy do 15 pushups.
  • When anyone mentions the Nutcracker do 12 arm circles (going forward).
  • Each time Priscilla gets snarky with Wendy (a lot) do 8 side floor pushups (alternate sides). 

Checkout my workouts from last year!

Holiday Engagement

Christmas Cupid

Happy Holidays! 


Training minds, changing bodies!

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