NMFIT High Heel Workout

Last night I co-hosted Cooking In Heels with Dawn Del Russo and Bloomingdale's chef Sajal Hamilton.  After Sajal armed the audience with delicious savory dishes for the holiday and Dawn shared tips on how to look good while preparing them I revealed easy high heel workouts you can do in the kitchen because chances are you may skip your workout on a busy entertaining day!  So channel your inner Beyonce and show your guests what you’re working with.

Note: These workouts can be performed with or without high heels.  Select a high heel height you are comfortable with in order prevent discomfort or possible injury.

High Heel Squats: The roast in the oven and you are preparing the dishes for the main course.  Grab a kitchen timer and set it for 1-2 mins (or less) of squats with your heels on. This move will target your entire lower body. 

Single Leg Raises: Will help you work on your balance and accentuate your leg muscles at the same time. While balancing on one leg slowly raise the alternate leg bent at a 90 degrees to hip level and return to starting position.  Perform for 5-8 reps on each side or as time permits.

Leg Abductions: While standing with your legs hip width apart, balance on one leg while extending the opposite leg out to the side. Slowly sweep the extended leg in front of the standing leg and repeat.  Perform this move for 8-12 reps on each side.

Just Dance: You are stuck in the kitchen but being the hostess with the mostest but that doesn't mean you guests get to have all the fun!  Throw on your favorite tunes and strut your way around the kitchen and just dance, it is the holiday season after all so have some fun!

Calf Raises: It’s the end of the night and your feet might need a breather.  While everyone is indulging in the yummy desserts kick off your heels and do a few repetitions calf raises to make your calves look even more breath taking when while you serve the tea and coffee!  


Training minds, changing bodies!

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