Nadia Murdock Fit Transformation


I know first hand what it takes to train your mind so you can change your body after experiencing my own weight loss journey.  My weight gain truly crept up on me, largely due to bad eating habits, late nights and ting of homesickness all during my first year of college. My Freshman 15 was a scary Freshman 30! Throughout college my weight fluctuated as I tried to lose the extra pounds that I had gained but with continued bad habits I didn't start to see results until the end of my senior year of college.  


As a struggling college student  I wanted to join a gym that offered more than what was available on campus but I couldn't afford it.   Honestly I was intimidated to workout with my peers and didn't want to be seen sweating (ridiculous I know).  As a gift for my birthday my brother bought me a one-year gym membership, this changed my life!  I will be the first to admit that I was completely obsessed with working out, I couldn't get enough of it!  I loved the way fitness made me feel and over time made me look! Simultaneously I had joined Weight Watchers which helped me unlearn bad eating habits and get a full understanding of nutrition. 

What finally allowed me to achieve weight loss success is being fully committed and identifying road blocks that I failed to notice or recognize before.   Mental roadblocks and challenges are often the first and most difficult barrier to fitness.  I believe everyone owes it to themselves to conquer those challenges, and deserve to live their lives in the healthiest and happiest way possible. Once I did that, it's like a light bulb went off and now I am dedicated to making that a reality for as many people as possible!  



Training minds, changing bodies!

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