Make Money in a Team Weight Loss Challenge

I have teamed up with HealthyWage a health incentive program that makes weight loss more fun and successful. They have formally created competitive, cash-fueled programs for more than 500 Fortune 500 and other companies, hospitals, health systems, insurers, school systems, municipal governments and other organizations throughout the U.S.  

If you want to lose weight in 2016 but don’t know where to start, now’s your chance to grab a few friends, family members or colleagues and lose the weight together.  We’ve got something that will make the process fun and exciting, instead of nasty.

Nadia Murdock Fit has partnered with HealthyWage to offer a private Jackpot challenge  for our readers and their friends, family and colleagues.  It’s going to be a blast.  Here’s how it works. Form a team of 4-9 people -- sign up and feel free to invite your friends and family.  Each participant puts money into the Jackpot ($20/mo or $60 total).  Your team will be competing to lose 6% in three months.  Winners (teams that lose 6% before the end) each get an equal share of the Jackpot.  The sky's the limit on how big the Jackpot can grow, and each participant’s payout depends on how many people enter and how many people win.  Typically, if your team hits the goal, you double your money or more.

HealthyWage is based on some important research out of Harvard, Penn and Mayo over the last few years that says, not surprisingly, that financial games with social components make us more likely to lose weight.  In short, the biggest secret is your desire to avoid letting your teammates down.  You wouldn’t want to be responsible for preventing your teammates from winning a share of the Jackpot!

So join us for some fun and to see who can win a share of the Jackpot.  The challenge runs for 12 weeks starting on January 18th, and registration is on now:!  After registering, you can either make a team or join an already-existing one.

So – are you ready to drop 6% in three months? Click here to sign up and to find more information.

Good luck everyone!

Training minds, changing bodies!

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