Less January More Zumba Campaign

I am a fan of many different workouts, Zumba being one of them.  The well-known dance workout has recently launched a campaign to keep people focused in the new year. Zumba is keeping the party going with the launch of, "Less January More Zumba.”  through this campaign, the largest dance-fitness brand in the world says GOODBYE to January's dull workouts and strict diets to reach resolution goals and HELLO to more fun and more dance.

One of the main reasons people fall off track is due to boredom when it comes to their fitness regime. Hitting the machines or intense cardio workouts are not for everyone, the idea is to get moving and Zumba is helping a lot of newbies do just that. 

"We know that Zumba is a powerful movement that has brought health and happiness to millions over the years," said Carolina Moraes, VP of Marketing for Zumba. "We also know that most people have a tough time sticking to resolutions that mean depriving themselves of things they enjoy and/or engaging in exercises that they find unpleasant; but it doesn't have to be that way. We want to break consumers from their resolution habits to show them Zumba is something fun that they'll stick to way past January."

The campaign is translated in five languages and encourages people to let go and just have fun through a high-energy anthem video. People can also #LetItMoveYou by creating a custom GIF and share their class experience with their friends. 

To learn more about the about the campaign watch the clip below and visit http://www.lessjanmorezumba.com/

Training minds, changing bodies!

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