Indoor Cycling Questions Answered

Breakaway Cycle is a boutique indoor cycling studio in San Diego, CA.  Classes are carefully choreographed to a mixture of music and stunning visuals. Each workout  challenges fitness enthusiasts of all levels for one hour.  If you have been contemplating on whether or not to take a cycling class perhaps the frequently asked questions and answers below will persuade you to get on a bike ASAP!

It’s my first time taking a cycle class, what should I bring?

All you have to bring is yourself, something to sweat in and a smile—leave the rest to us. Every rider gets a complimentary towel and free bottle of water on their bike. Don’t have cycling shoes? We can rent you a pair. Need to get to the office not smelling like a dog? We have beautiful showers and bathroom facilities fully stocked with amenities so you can get on with your day or out on the town.

Will this class make my butt look big?

No, in fact quite the opposite! Bulk comes from low-rep/high-weight resistance training. Though you’ll only be pushing some heavy gears up climbs, it’s not enough to put on serious mass. Instead, with a dedicated practice and well balanced diet to match, you’re more likely going to find your body becoming longer, leaner, and more defined. Who doesn’t want that?!

How many calories will I burn?

Calorie expenditure isn’t a function of how many classes you take but rather how hard you work in each class. Come in, work hard and really push your limits and you could burn upwards of 700 calories in an hour. That’s about equal to a Double-Double with Onion and a few of your friend’s French fries (not that we are at all suggesting you head to In-N-Out Burger after class)!

I see people using heart rate straps; do I need one of those?

It’s up to you. If you want to see your heart rate on our Schwinn MPower console found on each bike, you are going to need to provide your own ANT+ heart rate strap. Some people like to train according to their heart rate, others perceived exertion and some just want to get in and ride. We just make sure we provide you with all the necessary tools to monitor and track your workout including power, cadence and heart rate. How you choose to use them (or ignore them) is up to you.

Besides heart rate, what other things might I want to pay attention to?

One of the beautiful things about indoor cycling at Breakaway Cycle is that every bike is equipped with a state of the art Schwinn mPower console which, in addition to heart rate (when pared with an ANT+ heart rate strap as mentioned above) , displays speed, power, cadence, calorie burn estimate, and both total and segment ride times and distances.  In addition, you can bring a USB stick to download and take your ride data home with you.  

What is all the fuss about cycling shoes and clipless pedals?

If you haven’t used a pair, you need to! Caution: you will instantly feel more connected to your bike and may never want to ride again without them. Stop by the front desk to rent a pair or bring your own. All of our bikes are equipped with triple-link pedals, which means they accept LOOK-Delta and SPD cleats. But, if you want to stick to your good old tennis shoes, we can attach a toe cage on for you as well.

So are you ready for to take an indoor cycling class now?!

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