I'll Have What She's Having: Crustless Kale Quiche

With the colder months just around the corner finding comfort with traditional foods like soups, chili and other mouth watering dishes become harder to resist.  Almond Breeze offers a delicious crustless, kale mushroom and gouda quiche recipe and other scrumptious recipes this fall.  Below is a recipe I have tried and can't wait to recreate during the holidays! 

Crustless Kale, Mushroom and Gouda Quiche

Prep time: 25 minutes

Cook time: about 1 hour 10 minutes

  • 6 tablespoons butter NMFIT Tip: Try Greek Yogurt Butter or Smart Balance Butter 
  • 1 1/4 cups chopped shallots
  • 3/4 cup chopped butternut squash
  • 1 1/2 cups halved and very thinly sliced small baby bella mushrooms
  • 3 cups lightly packed small torn pieces curly kale
  • 1 1/2 cups shredded aged Gouda cheese
  • 2 1/4 cups Blue Diamond Reduced Sugar Original Almond Breeze
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 7 eggs plus 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme leaves
  • 3/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • Freshly ground pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350°F and butter a 9-inch quiche dish or pie plate. Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add shallots and squash and cook for cook for 10 minutes. Add mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes more. Add kale and cook until wilted. Spread vegetables in prepared dish and top with cheese. Beat remaining ingredients together in a medium bowl and pour over vegetables.

  • Cook for 50 to 55 minutes or until center is set when dish is gently tapped.
  • Makes 8 servings. 



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