How to Get Over the Nervousness Of Solo Exercise

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Arguably, there is a greater emphasis on getting into shape than ever before. It seems that everybody works out. Everyone seems several steps ahead of you, and if you're starting your fitness journey, this can be intimidating. It can be so intimidating, in fact, that it can put you off going to the gym altogether.

But you want to get into shape, so how do you overcome the nervousness of solo exercise? To get you started, here are some essential tips. 

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Work Out at Home

If you're too nervous about visiting the gym at first, then finding workout solutions at home can help you build up your confidence. Working out in the comfort of your home will help you build muscle, develop form and technique, and get to grips with different stretches, poses, and more to help you feel more confident when you make it to the gym. 

Another bonus of home workouts is that they're free, which is always a good thing, and you can purchase free weights to enhance your workout or focus on bodyweight exercises to save even more money. 

Work With a Professional

If working out at home isn't an option, consider boosting your confidence by signing up for a personal training course. This will allow you to work with a professional who can help you get to grips with proper form and more. 

Furthermore, they can push you to reach your full potential. Considering you'll be focusing so hard on your workout, you won't have time to worry about what others think, which is what most beginners struggle with when working out alone. 

Start Small

A big mistake people make going to the gym alone and for the first time is that they overestimate their ability. This can cause them to use machines incorrectly and even suffer an injury when trying to lift too much or stretch too far. 

Starting small is the best way to get going. This stops you from overexerting yourself, accidentally dropping weights, and causing a scene. It will also give you a solid base to build up your experience and strength, which helps you track your progress more accurately. With the confidence you gain from this, you will think less about others and more about your improvements. 

Visit When It's Less Busy

If part of what keeps you away from the gym is the number of people, then you can mitigate this by visiting at off-peak hours. Typically, these are in the middle of a weekday or Sundays, as people are too busy with work or relaxing and enjoying their weekend. 

Despite this, you could get too used to the gym being mostly empty, and this could impact your confidence should you go when the gym is busy. At the very least, it will allow you to learn how to use the machines without feeling judged by other gym-goers. 

Getting Confident

Confidence is a massive part of the exercise, but it is not something that comes naturally. Like anything worth having, you've got to work at it, so taking it slow and finding solutions that work for you will help you get over your nervousness and anxiety, and smash your fitness goals like a pro.