How to Get Healthier for Your Big Day

A good percentage of brides get engaged during the holiday season! Getting engaged to the love of your life is an amazing feeling. As you start planning your wedding, take a moment to plan for a happier, healthier you. Whether you want to lose weight, develop better eating habits or just have peace of mind, here are four ways to ensure you feel great before walking down the aisle.

Find a workout plan that you enjoy. Not everyone loves going to the gym, so if you enjoy running outside or dancing, do what keeps you motivated. It’s easier to keep an exercise routine when your workouts are fun.


Set up a meal plan. Don’t go on an extreme diet. Take this time to learn about healthy eating. Every Sunday sit down with your favorite cookbooks and recipes, pick a few and schedule your meals for the week. This includes all your main meals and snacks. After you have a meal plan ready, make a list and grocery shop for the week. A plan like this would keep you on track and teach you healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

Get enough sleep. Don’t skip sleeping to stay up wedding planning. Go to bed at a reasonable hour and plan to get at least seven hours of sleep. If you can’t sleep, read a book before bed, take a warm bath or try not using your phone while in bed.

Take a “day off” from wedding planning. Take time off to de-stress, breathe and just give yourself a little bit of space from your wedding to-do list. Take a yoga class or zumba if you like dancing, go on a date with your fiance (don’t talk about the wedding) or go out with your girlfriends. The point is to set time aside for an activity that you enjoy and have fun.

Photo Credit: Matthew Kane

Guest Blog Post Rose Wheeler

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