Helping Loved Ones Find Wellness Through Movement


It can take people a long time before they figure out what they need to be doing to feel at their best, and how to do it. Before you begin thinking about things, that should be the priority. Once you’re in that position, however, you can start thinking about how you can lift up other people around you especially loved ones. Whether it’s your parents, siblings or a best friend you want the best for them. It can become difficult to stay in peak condition once we have been inactive for a while or past a certain age but it surely is not impossible!

Below, are a few ways to offer them the best options through movement.

Out of the Home

It becomes all too easy to stay indoors when you lack motivation or have been inactive, especially if the weather isn’t perfect. This, however, can lead to a host of problems, both physical and mental. The biggest issue of all is that it leads to a life that is far too sedentary; to be at our best, we need to be up and mobile. If you notice that loved ones are spending more time indoors, look at taking them outside, to a park or nearby nature reserve. You’ll be surprised at just how much a spot of walking and some fresh air can do. 

Light Exercises

The people who live in the so-called “blue zones” (regions where people live the longest) credit multiple things for their longevity and happiness, including engaging in some light exercises every day. So make sure that those close to you are getting their fill. It doesn’t have to be anything strenuous (actually, it doesn’t have to be all the time), but just enough to get the heart rate up. Even 15 minutes of stretching will have a positive impact.  So get moving!

Get Help When Needed 

Many things about living can become a little harder to do as we age. Cleaning the home, preparing meals, even washing clothes can become a challenge. So if your parents are going to carry on living their best life, they might require a little bit of help to get these tasks completed. You can help out yourself, or work with a company that offers assisted living at home services. This is a good option because your parents will still feel independent and autonomous, but they’ll also have the peace of mind that there’s someone available to look out for them and help. 

Staying Social

There are few common problems that can creep up on people when they don’t feel their best, such as loneliness. It’s one of those things that affects a large percentage of the population. Thankfully, this is one of those problems that can be mitigated relatively simply. It’s all about connecting with those you love and for your parents/older family members socializing with people their own age makes a difference. Take a look at what’s going on around your town, and take your parents down to meet with like-minded locals. You can also help to keep them active and a part of life by inviting them along to the things you’re doing, too. 

For more fitness inspiration and barre workouts visit Nadia Murdock Fit on Instagram @NadiaMurdock and the NMFIT Blog!