Health and Wellness Brands That Give Back

I am always amazed when a brand decides to give back!  I think it's so important to remember to help those in need all year round and not just during the holiday season. Below you will find two brands that are making a difference on a daily basis.  They both share with NMFIT why they wanted to pay it forward bringing awareness to their selected charity. 

Bare Soaps 

NMF: How did you go about selecting the philanthropic cause bare-soaps is tied to?

BS: bare-soaps was actually born following visits that co-founder Clare made to a few developing countries. She noticed that in villages where Westerners were helping bring clean water through digging wells, the gap in providing hygienic resources remained. The last village Clare visited was in Kaberamaido, Uganda and that visit spurred her to come up with the idea of bare-soaps. We chose to partner with the same village, Carepoint 685, which has helped ~150 of the poorest of the poor children in the village through assisting in funding education, providing vitamins, a meal, and many, many more. While there's a big organization that runs the Carepoint (Hopechest), the kind folks who started Carepoint 685 are based locally, so it was a no brainer to partner with them. They're able to visit the village twice a year, which not only allows us to deploy our funding, but also allows us to grow a relationship with them so that we know what their specific needs are. 

NMF: What is your most memorable feel good moment since launching your company?

BS: The first time we got a video back of the children washing their hands with our bar of soap was simply magical. Last year, we provided each child with their own bar of soap while members of the church collectively donated to provide a toothbrush and toothpaste. We got a video of them all thanking us for the soap, and that was even more magical.


NMF: Why was it important for Fab Fit Fun to partner up with Tribe Alive and Michelle Money to help employ the women of Honduras? 

FFF: At FabFitFun, we strive to inspire women to lead happy, fulfilling lives. The collaboration with Tribe Alive and Michelle Money only further helps us achieve our goal to support positive social change while providing women with the latest must-have fashion, beauty and wellness items.

NMF: What about this philanthropic cause appealed most to the FFF team? 

FFF: Tribe Alive is an amazing company that empowers women to take control of their lives, no matter their situations. Tribe Alive taught the women in this particular village the art of jewelry making. We wanted to help create an opportunity for them to put their newly mastered skills to use and provide for their families when they otherwise may not have had a source of income. 
The documented stories are very touching, how do you think subscribers will respond to your initiative to give back? We hope that our subscribers will wear their bracelets with pride knowing the touching story behind them, ultimately inspiring them to give back in some small way. 

For more information on both brands visit Bare-Soaps and Fab Fit Fun 

Training minds, changing bodies!

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