Give Your Mind a Little TLC with Tips from Gabby Bernstein

As you gear up for the weekend take a look at the tips below that Gabby Bernstein shares in order to give your mind a little love and care. Remember if you don't have a healthy mind you can't have a healthy body. Continue reading Gabby's pointers below and put them to good use! 

Talk less, listen more!

Ever walk away from a conversation feeling hungover from all that you spewed? Do you ever lose track of your filter and overshare? Or are you someone who is totally unable to listen to other people and instead only ramble on about yourself? Let’s get honest here. If we want to keep our private life private then it’s important to use today’s tool.

Whenever you notice yourself oversharing simply say to yourself: W.A.I.T: Why am I talking? This simple acronym will take you out of the ego behavior and center you back into your truth. Even if you’re mid-sentence it’s okay to W.A.I.T. Use this tool as often as possible and soon you’ll become a great listener!


It’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of life, negativity on the news, or the self-inflicted stress that takes over at any given moment. The key to quickly getting out of these anxious moments is to laugh. By simply laughing we can detach from stress and choose to see a better perspective. If something silly is bothering you, this tool can help you let go of littleness and center back into your happy reality. Let laughter melt away the petty fears that consume you. If it sounds simple, that’s because it is.

Be less irritable!

How to calm down when people irritate you.  Let’s face it, no matter how happy or serene we may be there’s always those friends, family members or coworkers who can get under our skin. This technique offers you a very quick solution for releasing stress when people piss you off. You can practice this meditation anytime and anywhere. You can begin right now.

Take these steps into your daily practices and enjoy the positive results. Trust the Universe has your back, expect miracles, and be happy!

To learn more about Gabby Bernstein click here!

Training minds, and changing bodies!

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