Fitness Files: Rachel Speck

Rachel Speck is the founder of Tendu Toning, a revolutionary, fusion workout that combines the toning of ballet with the strength of body building.  Rachel is a former professional ballerina turned fitness trainer and owner of Speck Fitness.  She founded Tendu Toning as a way for her and other dancers to stay in tiptop ballet shape, but also to help the average person achieve a ballet body without spending years in ballet training.  Continue reading my interview with Rachel to learn more about her Tendu Toning technique and how she continues to train her mind and body. 

NMF: Has fitness always been a major part of your life or was there a catalyst/point in your life when you made it more of a focus and priority?

Rachel Speck (RS): Yes and no. I've always been active since I was 3 years old when I started ballet. I would dance for hours a day 7 days a week. Being skinny was my main focus when I was a dancer, but not necessarily fit. That didn't happen till later. When I retired from dancing though is when I really got into fitness.  As a ballet dancer I was always very thin and fit, so when I stopped, I had to find a way to stay like that. I immediately got into the fitness world and became obsessed with working out and being active which is why I decided to get certified as a trainer.  I took my obsession of being skinny and doing ballet, to being fit and working out.

NMF: What are a few of your go-to healthy snacks/drinks that help keep you on the straight and narrow?

RS: Apples! I love apples, and I always have them in my gym bag or purse. I eat up to four a day sometimes.  They are a perfect on the go snack, especially when I'm in between classes and I need just a quick boost of energy. It's just enough to fill you up, but doesn't make you feel full. Apples of course have so many health benefits like being full of fiber and preventing you from getting sick. I used to eat apples all the time when I was a ballerina because we really would eat very much but we still needed energy, so an apple would do that but not make you feel fat in your leotard.

NMF: How do you train your mind and stay motivated?

RS: Getting fit and staying fit is 90% mental. If your head isn't in the right place, it makes it impossible to stick to a program and stay motivated.  Being a trainer, I always have to stay fit and live a healthy life. However, I do find it hard to do an extra 30min of cardio or not eat that bowl of ice cream just to be fit.  I need a tangible goal and more of a reason to do it.  Going on a vacation or filming one of my videos is the perfect motivation for me.  Every year I go to Vegas, so 8 weeks before, I start preparing for it and revving up my workouts and cutting out all cheat meals. It makes me excited to workout again and helps me to push harder because I can see the end goal. I always tell my clients to make a closer more realistic goal to aim for than just getting fit for life. Getting fit for life is a great goal, but you have to take it one day at a time and smaller goals can help you achieve the bigger goal.

NMF: How do you change your body?  What are your fitness favorites?

RS: My favorite exercises and workouts are anything that work the glutes and legs.  Our legs and glutes are our biggest muscles in our bodies which mean they burn the most calories.  Also as a ballet dancer, our legs and glutes have to be the strongest part of our body. That's why in my workout, Tendu Toning, we do tons of exercises geared towards those muscle groups.  I do Tendu Toning every day, so when I'm preparing for a photo shoot or something I need to look extra good for, I add some heavier ankle weights and more repetitions to my usual leg kicks for faster results.  My absolute favorite exercise is the band kick back with a resistance band from Tendu Toning. It's the best for toning and lifting the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.

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Training minds, and changing bodies!

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