Family Fitness: Stong 4 By V Explains It All

Vanessa Flores is the founder of Strong 4 By V, she is creating a new way to work out with your significant other. After traveling her own wellness journey of becoming a healthier version of herself she wanted the same for her husband. For a few years, each of them was doing their own fitness regime, she eventually came up with a concept that has worked for both her and her husband to this day. Getting fit together with a specific formula!

Vanessa shares how her company blossomed in our podcast interview airing this Friday (click here to learn more!). For now check out my interview with her where she reveals her motto “Think, Eat, Move, Live Stronger Together.”


NMF: How and why did you come up with the concept behind your company Strong 4 By V?

Vanessa Flores (VF): I’ve struggled with my weight all my life. I’ve always yo-yoed with my weight, tried many different diets, but never could stick to my plan. I would always complain about my weight and not being happy with myself. My husband was tired of hearing me complain, yet not stick to anything to change my habits. My husband and I would workout at a big box gym but he would do his thing, and I would do mine. Every day was the same: I would go to work, work out, come home and get ready for the next day. It was the same old boring routine. I was not enjoying life, I was feeling depressed and isolated. This took a toll on our relationship and I knew something had to change. I asked him to try a new type of gym with my that was group lead and functional fitness focused. We both fell in love with the workouts and we enjoyed working out together. We loved the new conversations. We talked about our workouts, saw each other’s progress, and loved pushing and encouraging each other in positive ways. This then led us to wanting to eat healthy as well. Eating healthy along with working out together gave us optimal results we’ve lost 30 pounds each and have kept it off despite moving to 2 different states, taking new jobs, and becoming new parents. Working out together has not only helped us stay accountable to each other, it has also strengthened our connection! It has taken the routine out of your life, it’s how we spend quality time together, and it makes “cheat days” that much for fun! Now Strong 4 By V is on a mission to help couples get strong in body and stronger in the bond they share so that they feel confident, energized and enjoy “Doing Life” together!


NMF: Do you have any stand out client stories that you would like to share?

VF: Maricela & Noe—I’m so proud of Her and her hubby.

Before they started to work with me they:

  • Felt tired all the time.

  • Felt bloated after meals.

  • Stressed because didn’t know what to meals each day, which led to quick unhealthy meals.

  • They go grocery shopping without a list so would just buy whatever they thought they’d make throughout the week & food would go to waste.

  • He did most of the cooking, no meal planning or prepping

  • Didn’t exercise.

Currently they...

  • Have so much more energy.

  • Don’t feel bloated after meals.

  • Less stressed because they have meals planned ahead of time & spend minimal time meal prepping.

  • Have a grocery list, spend the same amount on groceries as they did before, but now have healthier options & no food goes to waste.

  • They help each other with prepping, and cooking!

  • They go walks together during the week...she comes to workout with me on the weekends (they live 45min away!).

NMF: What are your top 3 tips for maintaining wellness while maintaining a career and family?

VF: My husband and I work out together and are both committed to eating healthy daily.

  • Create simple, quick, easy, and healthy meals as a team.

  • Also have go-to snacks on hand for those long and busy days.

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