Don't Ignore This Aspect of your Health


Hearing loss affects millions of people around the world, and it is an issue that is not just common in the older generation. People of all ages can experience difficulties with their hearing; some of these problems may result from a temporary hearing loss, but for others, their hearing loss is permanent. Figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) show that 466 million people globally have a disabling hearing loss, which equates to five percent of the entire population. So, if you are experiencing issues with your hearing, you are not alone, as hearing loss is more common than you might think. 

Being able to hear is such an essential part of life and interacting with others, so if your hearing suddenly deteriorates, it can significantly impact on your quality of life and your well-being. To preserve your hearing, it is essential to take the best care of it; here’s how you can look after your hearing and protect it from damage:

Schedule Regular Hearing Tests

If you notice that you are struggling to hear conversations and everyday sounds, you should get your hearing checked out and book an appointment with the audiologist. Detecting a hearing issue early will mean that you can get the appropriate solution in place quickly and help prevent your hearing from declining further. 

Scheduling hearing tests regularly, just as you would an eye exam, is crucial to protecting your hearing and for the early detection of any issues.

Get Ear Wax Removed Safely

Poking around in your ear to remove ear wax is always dangerous and could lead to you damaging your ear. No one likes to have waxy ears, but it is far better to get your ear wax removed safely than risk harming your ears. Trying to remove the ear wax yourself can worsen the problem and cause a blockage to lower down in your ear.

Impacted ear wax can cause a blockage in your ear and can affect your hearing ability; it is best to get this dealt with by a professional who will be able to remove the blockage without harming your ear and damaging your hearing.

Listen to Music Safely

Do you know the volume level that can lead to hearing damage? According to the CDC, noise above 70 dB over a long period can cause hearing loss. If you are exposed to loud noise above 120 dB, you may experience immediate hearing damage. Knowing these levels is an important reminder that something as simple as listening to your favorite band play through your headphones, or seeing them perform live in concert, can lead to a permanent issue with your hearing and could cause hearing loss. 

To prevent your hearing from becoming damaged when listening to your music, the easiest thing to do is to turn the volume down. If you want to make extra sure that you are protecting your hearing, you could try some noise-limiting headphones to prevent your music from creeping up to a potentially dangerous volume.