Consistency is Key: The Benefits of Regular Exercise

Regular, physical activity can benefit you in a variety of ways, with increased feelings of good health and the chances of a longer lifespan.


There are many types of exercise you can take part in, and it's recommended that you choose something that you will enjoy. This way, you will be motivated to exercise regularly and truly experience the benefits. You could work out from home with one of our fitness classes, for example, or you could take up a sport that you enjoy when the world returns to normal after the pandemic. Or you could go for regular walks, take up running or cycling, or embark on any other kind of physical activity.  

Do whatever suits you, and make time for your chosen activities within your daily schedule. It's important that you do, and these are the reasons why.

#1: Regular exercise can boost your immune system

Exercise increases blood flow, strengthens antibodies, and allows immune cells to perform as they should. This is vital for staving off infection, and as you will appreciate, this can be especially important during this age of the COVID-19. Be sure to engage in some kind of physical activity every day and follow these other must-know tips for supporting your immune system

#2: Regular exercise can make you feel happier

Many of us suffer from depression and anxiety, thanks to the pandemic situation many of us are prone to negative moods more than ever. This is why exercise is so important at this time, although it should become a habit we regularly engage in to improve our chances of happiness. Movement impacts the serotonin levels in your brain and increases the production of endorphins.

#3: Regular exercise reduces your risk of chronic diseases

A lack of exercise can lead to an increase in belly fat, and this can put you at an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic diseases. Daily exercise can reduce belly fat and thus reduce the risk of any health complications. When you engage in physical activity regularly, you will improve your body composition and enhance your cardiovascular fitness, and consequently reduce your blood pressure and blood fat levels. Check out these other tips on how to lose your belly fat

#4: Regular exercise improves your brain health

Exercise increases your heart rate, and this increases the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain. Exercise also stimulates hormone production, and this enhances the growth of your brain cells. As a consequence, you will improve your thinking and memory skills, along with other brain functions. No matter how old you are, the sooner you start to exercise, the better. You will then be able to operate better at work or at school, and you will reduce your chances of becoming forgetful.

#5: Regular exercise can improve your sleep quality

There are a number of things you can do to improve your quality of sleep. You can eat sleep-inducing foods, listen to calming music before bedtime, and engage in some form of quiet meditation before your head hits the pillow. Exercise is also vital for improving your quality of sleep, as it resets the sleep-wake cycle, and prepares your body for rest later in the day. People with insomnia and other sleeping disorders can benefit from regular exercise, but as we can all experience the health benefits of sleep, we should all do what we can to improve our sleep levels. 

Committing to regular exercise can contribute to happiness in your life, improved health, and mental benefits too! You will be glad that you started an exercise routine when you start to feel the benefits.