Considering A Vegan Diet? Here Are 5 Tips To Get You Started

Are you considering a vegan diet?  Upon my research and chats with nutritionists below are things you need to know in order to get started.

Say good-bye to the caffeine and alcohol: Consuming either of these beverages are highly discouraged.  If you find it hard to let go an occasional cup of coffee or organic sulfate free-red wine is allowed (make sure it’s organic!).


Veggies and Fruits will be your best friend! You will be able to eat as much as you want of these food groups. You will want to invest in purchasing legumes, nuts, seeds and whole grains.

Be mentally prepared: Your lifestyle will change dramatically and might leave you feeling moody or frustrated.  If you know what’s ahead it might help you deal with your new diet with grace. Remember train your mind, change your body!

Start scouting a new supermarket: Your regular supermarket may not carry items you now need in order to stock your fridge. For starters you will need to invest in meat, milk and cheese substitutes.

Channel your inner vegan chef: Before taking the plunge arm yourself with a number of vegan recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  This will help immensely with meal planning and devising your new vegan kitchen!


Training minds, changing bodies 

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