Celebrity Fitness: Lupita Nyong'o


I think we are all still on a bit of a Lupita Nyong'o high after she graced the red carpet in a dazzling Prada gown and won an Oscar on Sunday evening!  So how can you nail Lupita’s overall look (fabulous inside and out)?  Here are my tips!


Besides her outstanding beauty and style I am sure you couldn't help but notice her ridiculously toned arms as well?  Below are three workouts that can get you headed towards Nyong’o Arms in no time!

  • Bicep Curls with Resistance Bands Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps. 
  • Push Ups: Try doing as many push ups as you can and increase the number each week. include your push up routine either in the morning or right before bed at night. 
  • Kettlebell Kickback Do 3 sets of 8-12 reps. 


Lupita never shies away from a close up and she shouldn’t!  The actress accentuates her flawless skin with bold and flirty make up choices. How can you do the same?

Flawless Skin: Pinpoint a skincare regime that works for you and your skin type.  Try to go make up free before workouts as a way to avoid clogged pores and unnecessary breakouts. Including an all-natural scrub 2-3 times a week is a great way to remove dead skin and keep your skin looking fresh.

Makeup: Stores like Sephora allow you to play around in store before committing to a purchase. Check out the bold colors and be daring, challenge yourself to step outside your comfort zone and have fun! 

Mind and Body

Growing up Nyong’o admitted to not seeing herself as beautiful and fought hard to see her own beauty that was so blatant to others. It wasn’t until she learned of the supermodel Alek Wek that she began to embrace her own good looks.  Lupita said at the Essence Black Women in Hollywood Event “When I saw Alek I inadvertently saw a reflection of myself that I could not deny."

No matter how famous, rich or beautiful you are we all have our own obstacles and hurdles to overcome. Find what inspires you and let it fuel you!



Training minds, changing bodies!

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