Channel Your Confidence With These Tips

If you wish you could feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin, you’re not alone. Most people wish that they could have the confidence to truly shine, but blockages and self-imposed limitations hold us back.

Here are a few ideas that are guaranteed to help you channel confidence every day.

Work On Your Posture

Would you believe that your posture can have a massive impact on how you feel every day? Work on keeping your head up and shoulders back, rather than slouching and looking towards the ground. Aim to do this while sitting and standing, and practice it regularly. It’s too easy to sit and walk with a slouch, but in the long run, this could cause huge issues. If you need a quick boost of confidence before a meeting or presentation, use the ‘power pose’. This is where you stand like Superman or Wonder Woman, with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands on your hips. A wistful, faraway gaze is optional! 

Give Yourself Compliments

Look in the mirror every morning and give yourself a compliment. You could complement anything you like, whether it’s the way you look or your sense of humour. You don’t even have to make it specific. It’s a great practice to find things that you like about yourself, rather than focusing on the things you have been taught not to like by magazines and the media. 

Wear Clothes That Make You Feel Good

Never save clothes for a special occasion! Ok, maybe don't wear your prom dress to do the food shopping, but make an effort to wear clothes that make you feel your best. Get rid of those ratty t-shirts and replace them with loungewear you like - if you like to wear loungewear. Remember that clothes can have a huge impact on your mindset, which is why it’s wise to get dressed, even if you’re working from home.


You might not feel like smiling, but that’s all the more reason to try it out. You’d be surprised at how plastering on a false smile can make you feel like genuinely smiling, as it actually releases happy hormones! There are so many benefits of smiling, so look after your smile and then show it off proudly. 

Pick An Affirmation

What could your affirmation of the day be? Could it be ‘I am powerful and capable’ or could it be ‘I am intelligent and worthy’? Whatever it is, make it personal to you and repeat it all day long. Affirmations are a great way to reprogramme the mind! 

Listen To The Right Songs 

Even songs can have an impact on your mindset! You don’t need to stop listening to Coldplay, but maybe hold off on them if you want to feel confident and listen to Beyonce instead. 

Cultivate A Healthy Self Image and Mindset 

Cultivating a healthy self-image and mindset takes time and dedication, but if you keep at it, you will notice the biggest difference in your life - both personally and professionally.