Celebrity Fitness: Rashida Jones

Rashida Jones

Rashida Jones is a self proclaimed former chubby kid and working out does not rank high on her favorite things to do.  The actress still finds a way to train her mind and body to stay in shape even with such a demanding work schedule.  Although she is not fond of daily workouts she loves how it makes her feel afterwards. Below are a few of Rashida's healthy lifestyle tips!

-She loves to grab fresh vegetables from her local farmers market and prepare yummy stir fry dishes.

-Jones is a Pilates enthusiast!  With frequent Pilates workouts she has turned her "soft" mid-section into abs of steal, just take a look at the photos above!  If you are looking for an at home Pilates workout try:  

-Other fitness faves include yoga, spinning and salsa lessons (see below)!

-Rashida channels motivation wherever she can!  She loves the popular show So You Think You Can Dance, Jones uses the dancers as inspiration to workout and challenge herself. 

Clearly Rashida knows all about Training the mind and body here are my favorite quotes from the actress.

  • "To me, body confidence starts with.... not listening to anybody else."
  • "My happy-life motto: The lows are inevitable, so its up to you to create the highs."

Source: Health.com and Marie Claire


Training minds, changing bodies!

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