6 Reasons To Start Working Out

Does anyone really like exercise? Sure, they do. They like it right after it’s over! Why? Well, exercise is hard - no matter the exercise you’re doing it pushes the body and tests your endurance. The challenge that you put on your muscles and your joints is a difficult one, and yet it’s one that will yield the right results if you are looking to get fit and feel healthier

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Working out is a little harder right now, what with gyms and group classes closed due to the current pandemic, but that doesn't mean that you can’t get involved in online workouts and classes. You need to make sure that you are feeling ready to workout and motivated to hit your goals - and we’ve got six reasons you should start working out right now.

  1. You should work out because it makes you happy. Knowing you are doing something to improve your mental and physical health is going to make you feel good on the inside as much as consistent workouts will make you look on the outside. Even something as simple as an early morning walk can get your get up and go ready for the day!

  2. Exercise makes your life easier - believe it or not. You can feel better and stronger when you workout, and the confidence that you build when you are exercising is going to filter into the rest of your life as a result. The more you lift every day, the stronger you get - that’s what progressive overload means. 

  3. Exercise really helps you to win in life! Think about it: if you can set and achieve goals in your fitness, you’re going to be able to achieve the right goals in other areas of your life. It sounds like a roundabout way of doing things, but the more you show your body that hard work equals a positive outcome, the more you’ll believe you can implement this in the other areas of your life.

  4. Sometimes, you should exercise because it benefits your friends and family. The healthier you are, the less at risk for a heart attack you are and you can live longer than ever. The people closest to you will thank you for caring for yourself and you’ll feel good for that, too.

  5. One of the best reasons to exercise is because you can. Having the privilege of working out is unlike others who cannot do it. You’re able to do exercise and others aren't, but you can benefit from two strong legs and arms that will take you anywhere.

  6. Exercising can make you feel beautiful - man or woman! Feeling sexier gains you a whole new level of confidence, and it’s an excellent reason to work out. It’s not that you want to feel or look sexy for anyone else, but you’ll feel good for yourself and that’s what counts the most.

Exercising could change your life - why not give it a try and see how you will feel because of it?

Follow me on IG @NadiaMurdock for more mind and body inspiration.