5 Things To Get More of During Pregnancy

Yesterday I had a fabulous time filming my second Facebook Live segment with Viactiv Calcium Soft Chews! If you didn’t get to catch our last pregnancy focused chat (visit the Viactiv FB page for the full video).  You know NMFIT is all about a healthy and active lifestyle (especially during pregnancy).  Last week I was able to share some pregnancy essentials that have been on my go-to list since I found out I was expecting. Yesterday I shared 5 of the things you should be doing MORE of during pregnancy. They’re not only important but so easy and you are probably doing at least one of them already! 

It’s important to treat yourself and take care of yourself and your growing baby and you can start by getting MORE sleep. See, I told you they’re easy!

1. Sleep: Sure you have a lot on your plate as you prepare for the arrival of your new bundle of joy but it's important that you make time for much-needed rest.  In the first trimester, I felt the most exhausted, which makes sense because your body is working overtime to create the building blocks for a baby. Not getting enough rest can cause irritability and poor concentration. It's suggested to get at least 6 hours of sleep or, ideally 8.  Also, according to the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology women who got less than 6 hours of sleep during their pregnancy were more likely to have a c-section or experienced longer labors. 

Many pregnant women may be reluctant to sneak in the extra zzz’s in fear of being seen as lazy but it’s important to listen to your body and reward yourself with extra sleep now. Once the baby arrives you’ll be missing all those naps!

2.      Exercise: I have made it a point to maintain a fit and healthy pregnancy since day one.  If you have never worked out before now is NOT the time to begin a new fitness regime.  Instead, stick to daily walks or light prenatal workouts.  If however, you worked out regularly before your pregnancy you can typically stick to your regular workouts with modifications when needed. Working out during your pregnancy has a multitude of benefits including improved posture, improved mood, and energy.  It also helps to promote muscle endurance,  Boost your child's athletic potential and you have a higher chance of giving birth to a baby that is not overweight. Studies have linked better memories to the children of mothers that exercised during pregnancy. For more info on my fit pregnancy click here!

3.      Viactiv: Calcium is so important during pregnancy! Did you know your baby relies on calcium to help develop a healthy heart, nerves, muscles, strong bones and teeth? It’s so essential, in fact, that if you don’t include enough calcium in your daily diet, your baby will start drawing it from your own bones, putting your bone health at risk and when it comes to calcium your prenatal may fall short. Many prenatal vitamins provide only 20-30% of the 1000 mg of calcium recommended daily so it’s important to speak with your healthcare provider and make sure you’re getting the calcium you need. Viactiv comes in two delicious flavors, milk chocolate and calcium, so it’s like a little treat! And they come individually wrapped so you can take them on-the-go in your purse or gym bag so you don’t forget. Look for them at your local Rite Aid and other major retailers.

4.      Beauty day/pampering: Between work, baby prep and sneaking in regular naps it can be easy to neglect your regular beauty routine. This is the last thing you want to do especially if you are going to be a new mom! Soak up any free time to give yourself a facial, at home foot soak, a peppermint bath (cools overheating moms) and much more. Pampering yourself does not need to cost an arm and a leg! Stock up on sheet masks, essential oils for the face and body and soothing bubble bath soaks. These simple routines can help reduce stress and help you enjoy this special time! 

5.      Food prep: Having wholesome snacks and meals prepared ahead of time will help you achieve a healthy pregnancy in a pinch!  Get your partner or family involved to make stocking up on favorite meals more fun. If you are experiencing cravings always try to find a way to give it a healthy fix!  For example, I have been loving mac and cheese during my pregnancy.  I have been loading this dish with spinach, kale, green peas, and tomatoes to give the dish a healthy makeover.  I also opt for brands like Annie's or Daiya that offer clean ingredients. Tip: Salads in a mason jar are a great option for eating fresh and healthy on the go!

Watch the full Facebook Live video below!

For more information on Viactiv click here!

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