4 Health Resolutions to Make for 2018

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At the end of each year, millions of people vow to take steps to improve their health starting next year. If you’re one of these people hoping to take their health to the next step, it may seem difficult to set specific goals for yourself. Here are 4 health resolutions to make creating your personal resolutions a bit easier. Of course, each person is in a different place along their health journey, so determine your own personal goal within each of these resolutions.

1. Start up or refine your exercise routine. For those of us who set resolutions each year, most include working out more. Whether this means signing up for a gym membership or improving your running schedule, set a simple fitness goal for the new year to start with. It’s important to create a goal that you can keep track of as the weeks go on. For example, if your gym provides fitness classes that you enjoy, create a monthly schedule for yourself based on these class times and stick to it.

2. Establish a healthy diet for your lifestyle. In order to create diet goals for yourself, it’s important to consider your lifestyle and budget. This may even mean setting a specific food budget. If you’re accustomed to eating out often, try limiting yourself to eating out only once a week and find budget-friendly, healthy alternatives to the meals you’d typically eat. Think about the meals you eat frequently and how you can improve them. Are there other ingredients you could be using to decrease sugar and carb intake? Research healthier ingredients for the food you consistently eat and try to start using the healthier options.

3. Cut unhealthy habits out of your life. If you practice unhealthy habits such as smoking or chewing tobacco and are looking to improve your health this year, take steps to remove this habit from your routine. Of course, these habits are often addictive and difficult to cut off, but perhaps this year you can try a different method of quitting the habit. If you’ve only tried quitting cold turkey in the past, look into experimenting with nicotine replacements this year such as patches or gum.

4. Take care of your body and its needs. This resolution is for all of those things you’ve been putting on the backburner, such as going to the dentist or setting aside money for a skincare product you’ve had your eye on. If there are tasks or products you’ve been delaying doing or getting that would improve your body and wellbeing, circle some dates on your calendar to take care of each of them. Companies such as hims and Maven are coming out with products to help you address some of these needs conveniently and affordable. You can even order medication you’ve been needing from the comfort of your own bed now.

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