3 Tips for Staying Motivated to Exercise Regularly
Guest Post
Everyone struggles with motivation from time to time, but when it comes to exercise, it can be easy to fall out of the habit and struggle to get back into it.
With this in mind, it is extremely important to keep exercise as part of your regular routine, as it is not only great for your physical health and weight but also fantastic for our mental health.
This article discusses some of the ways you can stay motivated to keep exercising!
Have a Regime
Sometimes, if we have to think or make decisions it can give us ‘analysis paralysis’ however, if you have a workout regime already mapped out that you stick to each time you head to the gym, then it is going to be much simpler to go and know in advance what you will be doing.
In addition to this, you’re less likely to miss a workout if it’s part of a holistic plan, as it means you have to catch up elsewhere.
Many gym facilities have personal trainers who will help you set a personal training regime that is unique to your goals. However, if yours does not, or you are trying to exercise at home, then you can simply design your own workout regime.
You can create your plan around your own goals (i.e., weight loss or toning) or even problem areas. For example, if you want to slim down your legs and bum. Cardio is generally used for fat burning and heart health, whereas weight machines are better for toning certain body parts. If you’re looking to do both, you can use cardio and weights to create an all-around plan.
Photo by Elena Kloppenburg on Unsplash
Get Results!
This sounds strange, but when you see results, it is great motivation to keep going. With this in mind, you can document your progress via photographs so you can see how far you have come, and whenever you look at those pictures it will remind you why you are doing what you’re doing.
In addition to this, taking supplements may help speed along your progress and keep you motivated.
There are many supplements on the market today for fat burning or muscle building, but one of the ones getting a lot of attention right now is Turk. Turk is a supplement that has similar properties to steroids but is naturally found in plants and insects and not illegal. It could help you build muscle, but also help you sleep better, reduce cholesterol, and a whole host of other health benefits.
Goal Setting
Setting goals so you know exactly where you want to be and by when is crucial for you not only to have a clear path of your journey but also to help you visualize the end outcome.
This can be very motivational in itself.
You should consider the goal, but then also the why.
You want to be thinner, but why? How would that enrich your life? Having a strong enough ‘why’ is the thing that will keep you motivated on your journey.
An example of a good goal that is both SMART and has a strong why is below.
‘I want to lose 10lbs by Christmas. My reason is this would give me the confidence to date and hopefully find my life partner.’
This is a very strong why for someone who is lonely. You will have your own reasons for wanting to exercise, so you should explore these to help keep you motivated.
Exercise should be fun and something you look forward to, but there are bound to be days you don’t really feel like it. If this happens, try utilizing some of the tips in this article to keep you motivated.