Zumba Instructor: Should I take the Plunge?


I have to admit when the Zumba craze first started I thought it was absolutely ridiculous. I thought to myself “That is not a really workout”.  The gym that I attended at the time decided to add Zumba to the fitness schedule after so many requests. After much thought I decided to check it out for myself, this was most certainly the wrong place to test out Zumba for the first time. I felt like my suspicions were confirmed and left the class feeling underwhelmed.  

After leaving that gym and joining a new one last year, I decided to give Zumba another try.  I am always looking for new ways to diversify my workout routine and I was hoping that my experience this time around would be better than the last. To my complete surprise after one class I left wanting more! I now have a complete understanding of why this form of fitness has become so popular over the years.  There is no judgement in the class, just pure fun! You will find all walks of life dancing their hearts out and actually enjoying the workout. 

With all this being said I am now contemplating becoming an instructor myself, should I take the plunge? Stay tuned….