Tackling The Reasons You Find It Tough To Get Fit

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Now that we’re starting to get through the New Year, a lot of people are eyeballing the resolutions they made not too long ago with some skepticism and some self-doubt. A lot of those resolutions are based around the notion of getting fit, and there are all kinds of reasons and excuses we use to justify the drop-off in our efforts. However, those reasons might not stand up to too much scrutiny.

“I don’t want to do it alone”

Problems of motivation to exercise are very real, and having no motivation can feel like it’s physically sapping your strength. However, if you have trouble getting motivated to work out alone, it’s easy to fix that. It’s likely that there are plenty of exercise classes in your area, not to mention sporting groups you could join.

“I don’t have time”

How much time do you need to exercise? How much time do you have? With an hour’s workout might be just what you want to help reach your calorie-burning goals, doing a little here and there is much better than doing none simply because you don’t have as much free time as you want. There are ways to fit exercise into your life no matter how much time you have.

“It’s too expensive”

Some ways of getting fit to do indeed cost money. However, you don’t have to pay for a gym membership to go running, and you could end up saving more by buying equipment to use at home, piece by piece. When it comes to the essential gear, such as workout clothes, you can always cut costs with things like Dicks coupons from online saving websites. Look at shared community spaces that offer some sports and fitness gear near you, as well.

“I don’t know what I’m doing”

This is a common response for those who are brand new to exercise and worried about getting it wrong or even injuring themselves. However, there is an increasing selection of workout apps that not only track your exercises but teach you how to do them step-by-step. Some of the premium ones come with a monthly subscription, but you will find it’s a lot more affordable than getting a personal trainer.

“I’m too tired”

If you’re too tired for exercise, the problem is your routine, not the exercise. Having a good daily routine, which involves waking up early and going to bed at a reasonable time, will help you hold on to a lot more of your energy. If there are some days where you’re just feeling completely drained, then take it easy. You’re not supposed to be working out to the highest intensity every single day.

There are some very legitimate reasons to sometimes consider exercise less of a priority, such as an injury or having other major responsibilities taking up most of your time. However, it’s important to weigh your reasons honestly and carefully, and wonder if getting fit is really impossible or if you just need to be a little more creative about it.

For more fitness inspiration and barre workouts visit Nadia Murdock Fit on Instagram @NadiaMurdock and the NMFIT Blog!

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