Surviving the Holiday Weekend

One of the highlights during the summer is 4th of July weekend!  With a long weekend, pool parties, barbecues and a good time it's easy to lose sight of the healthy practices you are trying to incorporate in your everyday life.  Below are a few tips that help you get through the weekend with no regrets when Monday rolls around. 

Pace yourself: Festive drinks will be at your finger tips all weekend, even the drinks you think pack the smallest amount of calories start adding up just after two servings!  I suggest diluting drinks with water or bringing low calorie beer to the party.  Drinking water between cocktails will help tremendously as well!

Don't show up hungry: If you are heading to a party, summer wedding or BBQ make sure to arrive with a moderately full stomach.  Arriving famished will definitely result in some serious overeating.  

Bring back up: If you aren't sure when lunch will be served or you are not feeling the appetizers bring an energy bar, raisins or trail mix in your purse/back pocket.  These suggested snacks are small enough to sneak in your handbag so you can discreetly enjoy your healthy treat. 

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!


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