Staying Healthy In Winter


Now that the weather is turning colder, days are getting shorter, and there is still no end in sight for the pandemic - it’s more important than ever for us to stay healthy. 

Winter brings with it a whole host of health problems and bugs, and to fight them off we need to be ready and our bodies need to be as strong as ever. 

Today we want to take a look at some of the best ways that you can stay fit and healthy throughout winter, as well as stay mentally well in these trying times. 

Step away from the screens 

TV, phones, tablets, and computers are all things that are used constantly in our daily lives however too much time staring at them is not good for the eyes. Our eyes allow us to see and interpret the world around us, and to keep them strong we should limit our screen time as much as possible outside of work. Instead of spending all evening staring at your phone while half glancing at Netflix, try tuning off completely and doing something different. Talk to your family, go for a walk, play some board games! Engage with the real world and keep those peepers strong. 

Stay moisturized 

The skin is the largest organ of our body, and often we take it for granted. As the shorter days draw in and bring a breath of cold air with them; it’s important to keep our skin protected and hydrated. When harsh cold weather hits our skin it will dry it out and this can lead to peeling as well as aging at a quicker rate. To prevent this from happening make sure to hydrate your face with a rich moisturizer and your body with an aqueous cream that will keep it soft and supple all winter long.  

Make time to cook! 

Staying healthy during the winter might seem like a task with the delicious treats that start pouring into supermarkets, but it’s easier than you think. Cooking healthy and hearty meals such as chilli con carne, tomato soup, and roast chicken will make a world of difference to you and your family. Instead of reaching for the takeaways this weekend, look for a recipe and get creative in the kitchen! 

Clear those ears 

Our ears are often taken for granted, and not looking after them can lead to hearing loss down the line. To look after your ears this winter make sure that you clean them in the shower and ALWAYS dry them afterward! Clear your ears carefully without using a q tip, and even make time now and again for an oil cleanse to get rid of excess wax. 

Take Precautions

With everything happening in 2020, there has never been a more optimal time to look into precautions like stocking up on supplements, getting enough rest, and/or getting a flu shot. Whether you are a regular to this every year or not, it is incredibly important for you to take a flu shot in winter to protect your body against the new strain of the virus. It only takes a few minutes and you’ll be healthier for it! 

For more wellness and mindset tips follow me on IG @NadiaMurdock

Check out my new 4-week program called The Ultimate Jump Start! 

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