Simple Ways To Improve Fertility

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Fertility problems and actively trying to conceive can be an extremely difficult time for a couple who wish to add to their family. 

There are many ways to improve fertility, but exercise has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to enhance the rates of pregnancy among women who struggle with conception.  Some research has also proven that women who keep active are more likely to get pregnant quicker than those women who don’t.


How Body Weight Can Impact Fertility 

Eating well and exercising can also help a woman who is trying to conceive to maintain a healthy weight. Overweight women, particularly those affected by illnesses such as PCOS can have a hard time getting pregnant. Even reducing body weight by 5% can have a hugely positive impact on fertility rates. It is also worth noting that women who have too low body weight can impact on fertility negatively- as too low-calorie consumption means that the body does not have enough energy to function normally. This often affects women’s menstrual cycles, meaning that they have a difficult time getting pregnant. 

Staying highly active during pregnancy can also promote health during pregnancy and during childbirth, reducing issues such as pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes. With endorphins released during physical activity, exercise also helps to boost mood and reduce the risks of pre and postnatal depression. 

Exercise and Conception

When trying to conceive, the best exercises are those that are low impact. Walking, for example, is an easy exercise to incorporate into the day-to-day, while not costing anything extra to add to your daily routine. Though low risk, a brisk walk can still get the heart rate up enough to make a difference in fitness. To reach the recommended 30 active minutes a day,  even walking for 10 minutes at a time, three times a day can make a difference. Park further away from the store entrance, even walk around the store twice before heading to the check outs-these small things can improve fitness and therefore the chances of getting pregnant. 

Yoga is another excellent example of effective, yet low impact exercises that can improve fertility and general wellbeing during pregnancy. As well as being an excellent body conditioning tool, it is proven to have extremely positive benefits to a woman’s mental health, therefore promoting a healthy and relaxed pregnancy and birth. 

Simple Ways to Get  More Active 

Start simply and work your way up. An easy way to do this is to incorporate simple activities into your daily routine. Find ways of walking more on your commute to work, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Make sure to get up from your desk every hour and stand or walk for two minutes. Put on your favorite song while cleaning and just DANCE around!

There are many ways to add extra activity into your day-to-day life, which is important if trying to get pregnant, or just to improve your general wellbeing overall. 

Don’t put pressure on yourself- live well and concentrate on bringing a healthy baby into the world. 

For more fitness inspiration and barre workouts visit Nadia Murdock Fit on Instagram @NadiaMurdock and the NMFIT Blog!