Simple and Healthy Ways to Enjoy the Last Days of Summer!

Here are my 5 top tips to enjoy the next few weeks left of summer.

Wake Up Early: Making the most of the warm weather even if it’s a work day is the best way to feel you are not missing out on the last days of summer. Get up early watch the sunrise, have your morning coffee outside or maybe even take a walk before work!

Explore Local Wilderness: There are so many hidden hiking trails no matter where you live! Get out and explore, this is a great tradition you can bring into the fall months too.

Plant a Garden: Not only does this help you to spend time outside but you eating clean fresh fruits and veggies right from your own garden.

Spend Every Moment Outside: Park your car a little farther, walk to the local store or have dinner outside! The options are endless to get outside even if you are not on vacation it’s also excellent for the mind and body.

Nest: Start preparing your home for fall while appreciating the summer that has just ended. Check out some websites and Pinterest boards that will help you pack and store your items properly for the following summer.

For more fitness inspiration and barre workouts visit Nadia Murdock Fit on Instagram @NadiaMurdock and the NMFIT Blog!