Nadia Murdock Fit 10 Commandments

At Nadia Murdock Fit we encourage our clients to train their minds and bodies in the gym and at home! Use this list when you need to recharge and stay on track during your fitness journey. These 10 commandments are friendly health/lifestyle reminders that will keep your mind and body heading in the right direction.

  1. Get enough rest. Hitting the sack early will help avoid overeating and late night snacking. With enough rest (ideally 6-8 hours) you are helping to recharge the body for the next day too!
  2. Lemon water every morning is a terrific way to  get your digestive track ready for the day. This can be consumed hot or cold. Lemon water has a number of benefits including an excellent source of vitamin C, pectin fiber, relieves inflammation of the joints and strengthens the liver just to name a few perks!
  3. Drink plenty of water! Women should be consuming at least 8-12 servings of 8 oz glasses a day. The average human body is 60% water, it’s important to stay hydrated not only is it excellent for replenishing the inside of the body but it’s a great way to avoid cravings and stay full longer too.
  4. Always be armed with healthy snacks! If you don’t have time to prepare an NMFIT smoothie visit the Fit blog to see my suggested snack options by clicking here.
  5. Pack easy workout equipment for on-the-go fitness.  This is a great option especially when you are pressed for time. For example having a  jump rope handy can help you burn up to 10 calories per minute.  With a  resistance band at your fingertips, you are able to sneak in a few arm and leg toning moves with ease.  
  6. Challenge yourself every day and every chance you get!  So what does this mean exactly? Instead of grabbing the first available seat on the train stand instead.  If your co-worker has brought in donuts for everyone indulge in your Greek yogurt.  Making smart choices, every moment of every day go a long way!
  7. Pamper yourself at least once a month.  Perhaps you have finally reached your push-up goal or attended that challenging kickboxing class you have been avoiding. Reward yourself with a manicure, facial or massage… you DESERVE IT!
  8. Stock your fridge with plenty of fruits and veggies! Including fruits and vegetables in every meal is key for reshaping your lifestyle for the better. It also helps curbing the consumption of empty carbs. For example having an apple before every meal is a great way to avoid extra calories and curb your appetite!  Eat up!
  9. Sweat once a day!  Whether it’s your traditional 30-45 minute workout, spin class or a 10 minute Nadia Murdock Fit routine make sure that you are keeping active 3-5 days a week.
  10. Surround yourself with positive people. As you recreate your life for the better you want to find people that are going to be in your corner every step of the way.  Let people know you’re serious about training your mind so you can change your body.

For more information on how to get your mind and body in shape click here!

Training minds, changing bodies!

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