My First Week with the Jawbone UP24

My new fitness tracker is changing the way I look at my lifestyle for sure.  I recently partnered up with Jawbone UP24. As a newbie to the fitness tracker world I was excited to see what I would get out of using one.  Since I already maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle I wasn't sure what new things I might discover about my daily lifestyle practices but in just seven days I have learned a lot! 

With the Jawbone I have been able to identify times I need to move more, usually when I am hard at work editing my blog.  I can go a good two hours without moving, the Jawbone gives me a little nudge with a small vibration to remind me to get up!  

Another thing I discovered was how little sleep I am getting at night.  Once I put the band in sleep mode it offers me a synopsis the following morning of what my sleep patterns are.  Some highlights include:

  • How long it took for me to fall asleep
  • What portion of my evening is sound sleep vs. light sleep
  • How many times I might have gotten up during the night
  • My total hours of sleep 

One of my favorite features about the Jawbone UP24 is how it tracks my steps.  Over the weekend the app challenged me to 14,607 steps which I exceeded by reaching a goal of 18,153 by the end of the day. It was fun and I found myself moving at times when I normally wouldn't be.  I opted in the following day for the challenge and reached a goal of 18,223 steps! 

There is always room for improvement no matter how long you have been on your fitness journey.  I have only had the tracker for one week but I feel like I have gotten so much out of it already.  I am looking forward to exploring the other features like the Smart Alarm that slightly wakes you at the optimal moment in your sleep cycle. 

If you have a JawboneUP24 I would love to hear what you love most about the tracker and how it's helping you create a fit and healthy lifestyle!!

To learn more visit the Jawbone UP24 website by clicking here:


Training minds, changing bodies!

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