Mindfulness 101 with Centered NYC

Mindfulness is the common thread of all of CenteredNYC’s services

In the spa & hotel industry, Jessica teaches mindfulness as it relates to employee relations, job satisfaction, and genuine & authentic customer service.

  • Mindful change in the spa & hotel industry improves interoffice relations, juices up creativity and collaborative forces, completely transforms customer service experiences. It makes everyone a little bit happier to be there- reducing the notorious hotel & spa employee turnover and creating a feeling that customers crave to return to again & again.

  • When practiced regularly, mindful changes in one’s personal life will lead to unlimited growth that has the power to dissolve boundaries between career, relationships, caring for oneself, nourishing passions, friendships, spirituality maturation and everyday happiness.

  • Mindful changes strategies are suitable for every situation- whether it is an individual seeking stress reduction and inner guidance or a hotel chain looking for ways to innovate and motivate their teams. Every training is bespoken. Goals and desires are taken into consideration in the initial design, and the live trainings focus on the needs of those in attendance, in the moment.

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