Memorial Day Weekend Fit Tips

NMFIT Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend is here!  After such an awful winter it's nice to finally look forward to some nice warm weather.  Below are some helpful tips to get you through the weekend with ease. 

Workout early:  Festivities over the weekend tend to start mid-day so make sure to get your workout in first thing in the morning. Remember if you are pressed for time a short workout is better than no workout. 

Beach party: First and foremost stay hydrated! By drinking lots of water in the hot sun you will avoid heat exhaustion and stay full at the same time.  It’s easy to fall off track when there is a lot of temptation,  avoid sodium packed snacks and reach for a fruit salad instead! 

Barbecues: A good BBQ can last hours and depending on how early you show up you are looking at a full day of drinking and eating.  With a few simple lifestyle swaps you can enjoy the entire day without the remorse. Tricks like low calorie beers to sugar free cocktail mixers are just few easy ways to tackle barbecues this weekend!

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!  


Training minds and changing bodies!

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