Mallika Malhotra of MikiFoto + Co Reveals Her Mindset Tips

Mallika Malhotra of MikiFoto + Co is a brand photographer, branding expert and author of The Brand Photography Playbook. After years of working in corporate advertising, she now helps women entrepreneurs master their story. I met Mallika at a Bloggers Breakfast event at Bloomingdale’s in the Short Hills Mall. I was captivated by her warmth and amazing photography!

It's her mission to empower women to stop hiding and to start emerging as leaders. She is a strong believer in getting out of your comfort zone, taking action and implementing ideas. Continue read to learn how she balances it all while maintaining a healthy mind and body.

NMFIT: As a mother and business owner, what is your mindset for each day? Do you have a specific habit or mantra that helps you get things done?


Mallika Malhotra (MM): I’m not going to lie, there are days when I wake up feeling panic and overwhelm. Managing my business, our household and three sons is a lot of hard work, and it feels like there’s never enough time to get it all done! But I’ve learned with age to take a breath, show myself grace, and flip my mindset to welcome all the day will bring. I even start my morning with the mantra, “Today is going to be a GREAT day!” 
On Sunday evenings, I do a brain drain where I list out everything I have to do for the next week. This includes both personal and professional tasks from doctor’s appointments to dry cleaning to client emails to strategic business time. The writing download on paper helps clear my mind. I’m then able to organize all the to-dos by importance, urgency and due date. The key is to actually put the action items in the calendar and book time to get them done. I always feel better after I do this exercise!


NMFIT: What is the most rewarding part of owning your own business?

MM: I love the flexibility that having my own business allows me. It’s not easy being a working mom, but as an entrepreneur, I can dictate my own schedule and design my business to fit my
lifestyle. I work from home but can be available for school activities, carpool and afternoon snacks! I also have the creative freedom to develop my brand, my offerings, and my client experience however I want. After years of working in corporate advertising where decision making took forever and felt stifling, this creative expression is a gift. I can create products and services that I’m passionate about and that serve my audience. Plus, I love seeing the transformation of my clients into confident, bold and visible lady bosses. Teaching and being part of their brand-building journey is so fulfilling!

NMFIT: When things are hectic what three things do you try to do each day to remain healthy?

MM: 1) Starting my day with a gratitude practice helps me tremendously. Before I dive into my daily task list, I reflect and write down 3 things or people that I’m grateful for. This helps me feel a sense of abundance and positivity. I highly recommend this! 

2) Working out in the morning helps me be my most productive self. When I sweat and move my body, I release tons of tension and feel so much lighter and clearer. I love personal training sessions and my recent obsession is Blast in Short Hills, NJ.

3) The to-do list is never ending when you are a mompreneur, but I try to take a few mini breaks during the day to keep myself from burning out. It could be a coffee chat with a friend, reading a fashion magazine, strolling through Instagram or a walk around the block. These short self-care pauses help keep my mind healthy.

NMFIT: How do you deal with stress? What is your favorite wellness tip to combat stressful situations?

MM: I can get stressed very easily (just ask my husband and kids!), but I’ve learned a few tricks to keep me feeling sane. My daily habit of waking up early at 5:30 AM to read helps me to feel grounded and to get started on the right foot. It’s my ME time, my story hour and my quiet space before a long day of hearing repetitive “Moms!” and hustling. But my most important tip for preventing stress overload is to not beat yourself up if everything doesn’t get done. Shake off the stress and remind yourself that tomorrow is another day!

Mallika has an invitation to a free webinar, Bland to Brand: Stand Out Online with Visual Storytelling waiting for you, click here!

For more fitness inspiration and barre workouts visit Nadia Murdock Fit on Instagram @NadiaMurdock and the NMFIT Blog!