Jari Love Shares Her Favorite Exercises

Leslie McClure of 411 Video has honestly been my source over the years for the multitude of new workouts I have been introduced to. One of the workouts that I have fallen in love with for a well-rounded toning session is Jari Love's workouts. With summer quickly approaching I was looking for some inspiration when it comes to spicing up my leg workout routine! Jari shares her favorite moves below, give it a try and let me know what your thoughts are by commenting below. 

Back Elevator Row with Alternating Side Squat

Main Muscles Worked: Quads, Hamstrings, Inner & Outer Thighs, Glutes, Upper & Lower Back and Core

Description: Position your step so it is vertically facing with you. Begin standing centered in the middle of the step with your feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent, holding medium dumbbells in each hand. This will be your starting position.

Bend slightly at the knees and flex forward at the hips keeping your shoulders back and down, with spine neutral.

Initiate body weight onto the left foot while stepping your right foot off the right side of the step into a squat position. Keep weight by your sides bent at 90 degrees with palms facing each other.

Press your weight up through the heels and bring your right leg back on top of the step while simultaneously retracting your shoulder blades and squeezing them together for the row. Ensure the shoulders are back and down, with the elbows in tight to the body.

Repeat this movement on the left side so that you are alternating side squats with each repetition.


Curtsy Lunge On Step with Bicep Concentration Curls

Note: I suggest starting with 8 lbs dumbbells

Main Muscles Worked: Quads, Hamstrings, Inner & Outer Thighs, Glutes & Core, biceps

Description: Position your step so it is vertically facing with you. Begin standing centered in the middle of the step with your feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent, holding medium dumbbells in each hand. This will be your starting position.

Initiate body weight onto the left foot while stepping your right foot off the right side of the step into a squat position. Keep weight by your sides bent at 90 degrees with palms facing each other.

Press your weight up through your heels and bring your right left back up to ‘tap’ the top of the step. Curl dumbbell with right arm, up to the shoulder and squeeze your biceps as you bring leg to the top of the bench.  Continue transferring the movement by crossing the right leg across the back of the left leg and as you cross the back of the left leg, curl your left arm up to the shoulder and squeeze and until your right foot lands firmly on the ground to the left of the step; the curtsy position. At this point, your torso and left knee should remain facing forward, with your chest up and shoulders back.

Press up through the front heel and back toed while engaging the core to bring your right leg back to starting position.

Continue the side squats, transitioning into curtsy lunges with your right leg leading for your determined repetitions. Complete three sets and switch to your left leg leading.

Standing Lateral Leg Raise

Note: (optional) with step

Main Muscles Worked: Quads, Hamstrings, Inner & Outer Thighs, Glutes & Core

Description: Stand with your feet hip-width apart with chest up, shoulders back. Stand a riser top on its end, while resting left hand on the top for balance and stability. Place right hand on waist. This will be your starting position.

Lift right leg to the side, as high as you can reach. Do not swing. Hold the top position for 3–5 seconds.

Return the leg slowly to the starting position. You should remain facing forward the entire movement. Do not lock either knee while going through the movement. Your knees should remain soft, but not bent.

Continue right leg raise for your determined amount of repetitions. Alternate to the left leg once complete.










Single Legged Squats with Bench

Note: (optional) you can use a wall for support

Main Muscles Worked: Quads, Hamstrings, Inner & Outer Thighs, Glutes & Core

Description: Stand with your feet hip-width apart with chest up, shoulders back. Stand a riser top on its end, while resting left hand on the top for balance and stability. Place right hand on waist.

Transfer body weight to the heel of your left leg, while lifting your right leg off the ground. Your leg will be bent at about a 90-degree position. This will be your starting position.

Move into a squat position by bending left knee and dropping your butt. Ensure that your knee does not go ahead of your toe, while keeping your chest up and shoulder back. Head should be up and looking straight ahead with spine neutral. Weight should still be in your heel of your foot planted on the ground.

Press up through the front heel and return to the starting position.

Continue this repetition for your determined amount. Then, alternate to the opposite leg.

Step Ups on Bench

Main Muscles Worked: Quads, Hamstrings, Inner & Outer Thighs, Glutes & Core

Description: To start, place your entire right foot flat on a bench, with your left leg straight and grounded on the floor. Hold a medium weight in each hand, arms straight down by sides.

Press through your right to lift your left leg and body, until you are standing vertically on top of the bench with both right and left leg hip width apart. Arms will remain straight down by sides through the entire motion.

Return to starting position by stepping back with left leg, until it is firmly on the ground.

Repeat until for your determined amount of repetitions. Then alternate with your left foot on bench, right leg grounded.

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