I'll Have What She's Having: Veggie Delight


NMFIT Veggie Delight

I had this delicious meal over the weekend while experimenting in the kitchen. 

What you will need

  • 2 carrots 
  • 1 cucumber 
  • Vinegar
  • Olive oil
  • Black pepper and sea salt


  • Shred both the carrots and a cucumber by using a grater into a large mixing bowl
  • Add one to two teaspoons of vinegar and a teaspoon of olive oil into the bowl
  • Lastly add a dash of sea salt and black pepper
  • Mix until blended

Feel free add whole wheat pasta, grilled chicken breast, tuna or salmon!  

Have questions for me?  Find me on Twitter and Facebook @NadiaMurdockFit.  Feel free to email additional inquires to hello@nadiamurdockfit.com.  


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